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or lex non scripta. All the laws which do not come under the definition of written law; it is composed, principally, of the law of nature, the law of nations, the common law, and customs.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

All that portion of the law, observed and administered in the courts, which has not been enacted or promulgated In the form of a statute or ordinance, including the unenacted portions of the common law, general and particular customs having the force of law, and the rules, principles, and maxims established by Ju-dicial precedents or the successive like decisions of the courts. In recent years, this term has been popularly and falsely applied to a supposed local principle or sentiment which justifies private vengeance, particularly the slaying of a man who has insulted a woman, when perpetrated by her kinsnian or husband. It is needless to say that no such law exists, and that such an opinion or sentiment however prevalent, could not by any possible right use of language be termed a “law” or furnish a legal justification for a homicide.

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