An act of holding or retaining possession of property (typically real property) without a legal right to do so. The word "Detain" means to prevent from proceeding or to hold back someone or something - such as when police "detain" someone. The term "unlawful detainer" is most commonly used to refer to the act of a tenant who is in possession of real property (such as living in … [Read more...]
L. Fr. An outlaw. Britt c. 12. … [Read more...]
An escape of a felon out of prison. … [Read more...]
The most, the highest amount or to the greatest extent, e.g. the utmost care. … [Read more...]
In the civil law The name of a species of interdict for retaining a thing, granted for the purpose of protecting the possession of a movable thing, as the uti possidetis was granted for an Immovable. Inst. 4, 15, 4; Mackeld. Rom. Law, 260 In Scotch law. An interdict as to movables, by which the colorable possession of a bona fide holder is continued until the final settlement … [Read more...]