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Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

(A) The name given to certain societies or corporations which are seminaries of learning where youth are sent to finish their education. Among the civilians by this term is understood a corporation. (B) Having relation to the whole or an entirety; pertaining to all without exception; a term more extensive than “general,” which latter may admit of exceptions. Universal agent. One who is appointed to do all the acts which the principal can personally do, and which he may lawfully delegate the power to another to do. Universal legacy. See Legacy. Universal partnership. See Partnership. Universal representation. In Scotch law. A term applied to the representation by an heir of his ancestor. Bell. Universal succession. In the civil law. Succession to the entire estate of another, living or dead, though generally the latter, importing succession to the entire property of the predecessor as a juridical entirety, that is, to all his active as well as passive legal relations. Mackeld. Rom. Law,

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