Latin: Beyond; outside of; In excess of. Damages ultra, damages beyond a sum paid into court. Ultra mare. Beyond sea. One of the old essoins or excuses for not appearing in court at the return of process. Bract fol. 338. Ultra reprises. After deduction of drawbacks ; in excess of deductions or expenses. Ultra vires. A term used to express the action of a corporation which is beyond the powers conferred upon it by its charter, or the statutes under which it was instituted. 13 Am. Law Rev. 632. “Ultra vires” is also sometimes applied to an act which, though within the powers of a corporation, is not binding on it because the consent or agreement of the corporation has not been given in the manner required by its constitution. Thus, where a company delegates certain powers to its directors, all acts done by the directors beyond the scope of those powers arc ultra vires, and not binding on the company, unless it subsequently ratifies them.