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A kinsman; a person connected with another by blood or affinity. A person or thing having relation or connection with some other person or thing; as, relative rights, relative powers, infra. Relative confession. See CONFESSION. Relative fact In the law of evidence. A fact having relation to another fact; a minor fact; a circumstance. Relative powers Those which relate to land; so called to distinguish them from those which are collateral to it. Relative rights. Those rights of persons which are incident to them as members of society, and standing in various relations to oeach’ other. 1 Bl. Comm. 123. Those rights of persons in private life which arise from the civil and domestic relations. 2 Kent, Comm. L . Relative words refer to the next antecedent, unless the sense bo thereby impaired. Noy, Max. 4; Wing. Max. 19; Broom, Max. 606; Jenk. Cent 180. Relativorum cognito uno, cognoscitur et alterum. Cro. Jac. 539. Of relatives, one being known, the other is also known.

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