Latin meaning "universal thing.” Something that is shared with and owned by the community for public purposes and cannot be acquired by any individual or private entity. It has been understood to also mean something in the "public domain". It may also refer to something shared with and owned by a specific community of which all members can freely use independently. … [Read more...]
Latin meaning the "public thing". The phrase generally means "as pertaining to the public" (or "the state" or "the commonwealth"). "Thing" may also be understood as a "public matter" or a "public affair". … [Read more...]
The concept of reverse incorporation is that the Bill of Rights (the first ten Amendments) which was ratified in 1791 also incorporated parts of the Fourteenth Amendment - which was ratified 77 years later in 1868. The Incorporation Doctrine is the concept that the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution (the later document) "incorporated" the Bill of Rights (the earlier … [Read more...]
civ. law. The name given to those things which are extracted or taken from land, as sand, chalk, coal, and such other things. … [Read more...]
Rutgers Computer & Tech. L.J.
Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal … [Read more...]