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(A) See also recuse; this is an application to a judge not to hear a particular case due to bias or conflict and requesting the judge recuse or abstain (step down) from adjudication in this matter. (B) civ. law. A plea or exception by which the defendant requires that the judge having jurisdiction of the cause, should abstain from deciding upon the ground of interest, or for a legal objection to his prejudice. 2. A recusation is not a plea to the jurisdiction of the court, but simply to the person of the judge. It may, however, extend to all the judges, as when the party has a suit against the whole court. It is a personal challenge of the judge for cause. 3. It is a maxim of every good system of law, that a man shall not be judge in his own cause.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

In the civil law. A species of exception or plea to the jurisdiction, to the effect that the particular judge is disqualified from hearing the cause by reason of interest or prejudice. Poth. Proa Civile, pt 1, c. 2,

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