civil law. A term used to designate that a person is in the use of the property of another, which the latter suffers and does not oppose. Lec. Elein. 396. It also signifies the act by which the right of property is ceded in a thing to a person who is in possession of it; as, if I loan a boat to Paul, and deliver it to him, and afterwards I sell him the boat, it is not requisite … [Read more...]
In the Spanish and French West Indies, a quadroon, that is, a person one of whose parents was white and the other a mulatto. See Daniel v. Guy, 19 Ark. 131. … [Read more...]
A term used in the civil law to designate the affinity which exists between two persons, one of whom has been betrothed to the kindred of the other, but who have never been married. For example, my brother is betrothed to Maria, and, afterwards, before marriage he dies, there then exists between Maria and me a quasi-affinity. 2. The history of England furnishes an example of … [Read more...]
One who has had one of his grand parents of the black or African race. … [Read more...]
When a married couple moves to a community property state from a non-community property state, the property which the couple acquired together within and under the rules of the non-community property state may be called quasi-community property. It is treated the same as community property. … [Read more...]