An agreement that is in anticipation of another subsequent contract that will supersede the terms of the earlier contract. In essence, the earlier contract is a commitment to a directly related to the formalization of a future agreement. With individual agreements, there may be a question as to whether such a preparatory contract is legally binding. The performance of a … [Read more...]
as applied to a bond, or any other legal instrument, signifies bringing an action upon it, or making It the subject of an action. … [Read more...]
Latin: A congenital idiot. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A custom claimed by keepers In forests, and sometimes by bailiffs of hundreds, to take man's meat, horse's meat and dog's meat of the tenants and inhabitants within the perambulation of the forest hundred, etc. The land subject to this custom was called "terra putura." Others, who call It "pulture," explain it as a demand in general; and derive it from the … [Read more...]
In old English law. A providing of necessaries for the king's house. Cowell. … [Read more...]