In old English law. A providing of necessaries for the king's house. Cowell. … [Read more...]
In Hindu law. A foot-passenger ; a person employed as a night-watch In a village, and as a runner or messenger on the business of the revenue. Wharton. … [Read more...]
In old English law. An officer who procured or purchased articles needed for the king's use at an arbitrary price. In the statute 36 Edw. III. c. 2, this is called a "heignous nome," (heinous or hateful name,) and changed to that of "achar tor." Barring. Ob. St. 289. … [Read more...]
In old Scotch law. Petty theft 2 Pitc Crim. Tr. 43. … [Read more...]
That part of a statute commencing with the words "Be it enacted," and continuing as far as the repealing clause; and hence, the design, contemplation, purpose, or scope of the act. … [Read more...]