In Scotch law. Murder committed in consequence of a previous design. Ersk. Inst 4, 4, 50; Bell. … [Read more...]
Foreign Exchange … [Read more...]
In old English law.. The taking of provisions from any person in fairs or markets before the royal purveyors were served with necessaries for the sovereign. Cowell. Also the seizing and rescuing of stolen or strayed cattle from the hands of a thief, or of those having illegal possession of them; also the reward fixed for such rescue. … [Read more...]
or medical jurisprudence, as it is also called, is "that science which teaches the application of every branch of medical knowledge to the purposes of the law; hence its limits are, on the one hand, the requirements of the law, and, on the other, the whole range of medicine. Anatomy, physiology, medicine, surgery, chemistry, physics, and botany lend their aid as necessity … [Read more...]
To have property or a right taken away, usually as a result of a breach of contract or violation of law. For example, driving while intoxicated may result in the driver being required to forfeit his license for six months. To lose an estate, a franchise, or other property belonging to one, by the act of the law, and as a consequence of some misfeasance, negligence, or omission. … [Read more...]