In Roman law. One who had filled the office of quaestor. A title given to Tribonian. Inst procem. s 3. Used only in the ablative case, (exquaestore.) … [Read more...]
(From ex, from, and rogare, to pass a law.) In Roman law. To take something from an old law by a new law. Tayl Civil Law, 155. … [Read more...]
To intentionally give up or waive a right under a contract. … [Read more...]
To expand, enlarge, prolong, widen, carry out further than the original limit; as, to extend the time for filing an answer, to extend a lease, term of office, charter, railroad track, etc. To extend a street means to prolong and continue it in the direction in which it already points, but does not include deflecting it from the course of the existing portion. In English … [Read more...]
The act of sending or carrying goods and merchandise from one country to another. commercial law. The act of sending goods and merchandise from one country to another. 2 Mann. & Gran. 155; 3 Mann. & Gran. 959. 2. In order to preserve equality among the states, in their commercial relations, the constitution provides that no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported … [Read more...]