L. Lat. With the will annexed. A term applied to administration granted where a testator makes an incomplete will, without naming any executors, or where he names Incapable persons, or where the executors named refuse to act. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition With the testament or will annexed. It often happens that the deceased, although he makes a will, appoints … [Read more...]
To be deserving of blame, to be worthy of being held responsible and liable for an act. For example: "Bill helped Bob to rob the bank and was found equally culpable of the crime by the jury." Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition Blamable; censurable; involving the breach of a legal duty or the commission of a fault. The term is not necessarily equivalent to … [Read more...]
Cumb. L. Rev.
Cumberland Law Review … [Read more...]
Acts which a reasonably prudent person would not commit. … [Read more...]
Additional; heaping up; increasing; forming an aggregate. The word signifies that two things are to be added together, instead of one being a repetition or in substitution of the other. People v. Superior Court 10 Wend. (N. Y.) 285; Regina v. Eastern Archipelago Co., 18 Eng. Law & Eq. 183. Cumulative dividend. See STOCK. Cumulative offense. One which can be committed only … [Read more...]