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1. To abandon or forsake a right. 2. To waive signifies also to abandon without right; as if the felon waives, that is, leaves any goods in his flight from those who either pursue him, or are apprehended by him so to do, he forfeits them, whether they be his own goods, or goods stolen by him. 3. A term applied to a woman as outlaw is applied to a man. A man is an outlaw, a woman is a waive.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

(noun) – A woman outlawed. The term is. as it were, the feminine of “outlaw,” the latter being always applied to a man; “waive,” to a woman. Cowell.

(verb) – To abandon or throw away; as when a thief, in his flight, throws aside the stolen goods, In order to facilitate his escape, he is technically said to waive them. In modern law, to renounce, repudiate, or surrender a claim, a privilege, a right, or the opitoftunlty to take advantage of some defect, irregularity, or wrong. A person is said to waive a benefit when he renounces or disclaims it, and he is said to waive a tort or injury when he abandons the remedy which the law gives him for it. Sweet.

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