To confirm or substantiate by oath; to show to be true. Particularly used of making formal oath to accounts, petitions, pleadings, and other papers. The word “verify” sometimes means to confirm and substantiate by oath, and sometimes by argument When used in legal proceedings it is generally employed in the former sense. De Witt v. Hosmer, 3 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 284. Veritas, a quocunque dicitur, a Deo est. 4 Inst. 153. Truth, by whomsoever pronounced, is from God. Veritas demonstrationis tollit errorem nominis. The truth of the description removes an error in the name. 1 Ld. Raym. 303. Veritas habenda est in juratore; jus titia et jndicinm in judice. Truth is the desideratum in a juror; justice and judgment in a judge. Bract, fol. 1856. Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscond!. Truth fears nothing but to be hid. 9 Coke, 206. Veritas nimium altercando amittitur. Truth is lost by excessive altercation. Hob. 344. Veritas, quae minime defensatnr op primitur; et qni non improbat, appro bat. 3 Inst. 27. Truth which is not sufficiently defended is overpowered; and he who does not disapprove, approves. Veritatem qni non libere pronnnciat proditor est veritatis. 4 Inst. Epil. He who does not freely speak the truth is a betrayer of truth.