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Parol; by word of mouth; oral; as, verbal agreement, verbal evidence; or written, but not signed, or not executed with the formalities required for a deed or prescribed by statute In particular cases. Musgrove v. Jackson, 59 Miss. 390. Verbal note. A memorandum or note, in diplomacy, not signed, sent when an affair has continued a long time without any reply, in order to avoid the appearance of an urgency which perhaps is not required; and, on the other hand, to guard against the supposition that it is forgotten, or that there is an intention of not prosecuting it any further. Wharton. Verbal process. In Louisiana. Process verbal, (q. v.) Verbis itandum ubi nulla ambiguitas. One must abide by the words where there is no ambiguity. Tray. Latin: Max. 612. Verbum imperfect! temporis rem ad hue imperfectam signincat. The imperfect tense of the verb indicates an incomplete matter.

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