In the civil law. This term corresponds nearly to “guardian,” (i.e., a person appointed to have the care of the person of a minor and the administration of his estate,) except that the guardian of a minor who. has passed a certain age is called ”curator,” and has powers and duties differing somewhat from those of a tutor. By the laws of Louisiana, minors under the age of fourteen years, if males, and under the age of twelve years, If females, are, both as to their persons and their estates, placed under the authority of a tutor. Above that age, and until their majority or emancipation, they are placed under the authority of a curator. Tutor alienus. In English law. The name given to a stranger who enters upon the lands of an infant within tjie age of fourteen, and takes the profits. Co. Litt. 8Ub, 90a. Tutor proprius. The name given to one who is rightly a guardian in socage, in contradistinction to a tutor alienus.