In its widest sense, this term may denote any poison or toxicant; but as used in pathology and medical jurisprudence it signifles, in general, any diffusible alkaloids! substance (as, the ptomaines, abrln, brucln, or serpent venoms), and in particular the poisonous.products of pathogenic (disease-producing) bacteria. Anti-toxin. A product of pathogenic bacteria which, in sufficient quantities, will neutralise the toxin or poisonous product of the same bacteria. In therapeutics, a preventive remedy (administered by inoculation) against the. effect of certain kinds of toxins, venoms, and disease-germs, obtained from the blood of an animal which has previously been treated with repeated minute injections of the particular poison or germ to be neutralized. Toxicomania. An excessive addiction to the use of toxic or poisonous drugs or other substances; a form of mania or affective insanity characterized by an irresistible impulse to indulgence in opium, cocaine, chloral, alcohol, etc. Toxiphobia. Morbid dread of being poisoned; a form of insanity manifesting itself by an excessive and unfounded apprehension of death by poison.