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In medical jurisprudence. Poisonous; having the character or producing the effects of a poison; referable to a poison; produced by or resulting from a poison.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

(Lat. toxicum; Gr. toxikon.) In medical Jurisprudence. Poisonous; having the character or producing the effects of a poison; referable to a poison; produced by or resulting from a poison. Toxic convulsions. Such as are caused by the action of a poison on the nervous system. Toxic dementia. Weakness of mind or feeble cerebral activity, approaching imbecility, re-Suiting from continued use or administration of slow poisons or of the more active poisons in repeated small doses, as in cases of lead poisoning and in some cases of addiction to such drugs as opium or alcohol. Toxanemia. A condition of anemia (impoverishment or deficiency of blood) resulting from the action of certain toxic substances or agents. Toxemia or toxiecmia. Blood-poisoning; the condition of the system caused by the presence of toxic agents in the circulation; including both septicemia and pyce-mia. Toxicosis. A diseased state of the system due to the presence and action of any poison.

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