Customs, duties, toll. or tribute payable upon merchandise to the general government is called tariff; the rate of customs also bears this name and the list of articles liable to duties is also called the tariff. 2. For the tariff of duties imposed on the importation of foreign merchandise into the United States.
Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition
A cartel of commerce, a book of rates, a table or catalogue, drawn usually In alphabetical order, containing the names of several kinds of merchandise, with the duties or customs to be paid for the same, as settled by authority, or agreed on between the several princes and states that hold commerce together. The list or schedule of articles on which a duty is imposed upon their importation into the United States, with the rates at which they are severally taxed. Also the custom .or duty payable on such articles. And, derivatively, the system or principle of imposing duties on the Importation of foreign merchandise.