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(A) contracts. The thing which is the object of an agreement. This term is used in the laws of Scotland. (B) persons, government. An individual member of a nation, who is subject to the laws; this term is used in contradistiction to citizen, which is applied to the same individual when considering his political rights. 2. In monarchical governments, by subject is meant one who owes permanent allegiance to the monarch.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

In logic. That concerning which the affirmation in a proposition is made; the flrst word in a proposition. An individual matter considered as the object of legislation. The constitutions of several of the states require that every act of the legislature shall relate to but one subject, which shall be expressed in the title of the statute. In constitutional law. One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws. The natives of Great Britain are subjects of the British government. Men in free governments are subjects as well as citizens; MS citizens they enjoy rights and franchises; as subjects they are bound to obey the laws. Webster. The term is little used, in this sense, in countries enjoying a republican form of government. In Scotch law. The thing which is the object of an agreement.

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