Latin: In civil law. Payment, satisfaction, or release; any species of discharge of an obligation accepted as satisfactory by the creditor. The term refers not so much to the counting out of money as to the substance of the obligation. Dig. 46, 3, 54; Id. 50, 16, 176. Solutio indebiti. In the civil law. Payment of what was not due. From the payment of what was not due arises an obligation quasi ex contractu. When one has erroneously given or performed something to or for another, for which he was in no wise bound, he may rede mand it, as if he had only lent it The term “solutio indeoiti” is here used in a very wide sense, and includes also the case where one performed labor for another, or assumed to pay a debt for which he was not bound, or relinquished a right or released a debt, under the impression that he was legally bound to do so. Mackeld. Rom. Law,