Latin: In the civil law. If any one. Formal words in the praetorian edicts. The words “guis,” though masculine in form was held to include women. Dig. 50, 16, 1. Si qnis enstos fraudem pnpillo fecerit,. tntela removendns est. Jenk. Cent. 39. If a guardian do fraud to his ward, he shall be removed from his guardianship. Si qnis prsegnantem uxorem reliquit, non videtur sine liberis deeessisse. If a man leave his wife pregnant, he shall not be considered to have died without children. A rule of the civil law. Si qnis rninm perensserit, onm alinm perentere vellet, in felonia tenetnr. 3 Inst 51. If a man kill one, meaning to kill another, he is held guilty of felony.