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A portion of anything. Sometimes shares are equal, at other times they are unequal. 2. In companies and corporations the whole of the capital stock is usually divided into equal proportions called shares. Shares in public companies have sometimes been held to be real estate, but most usually they are considered as personal property. 3. The proportion which descends to one of several children from his ancestor, is called a share. The term share and share alike, signifies in equal proportions.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

A portion of anything. When a whole is divided into shares, they are not necessarily equal. In the law of corporations and joint stock companies, a share is a definite portion of the capital of a company. Share and share alike In equal shares or proportions. Share certificate. A share certificate is an instrument under the seal of the company, certifying; that the person therein named is entitled to a certain number of shares; it is prima facie evidence of his title thereto. Share warrant. A share warrant to bearer is a warrant or certificate under the seal of the company, stating that the bearer of the warrant is entitled to a certain number or amount of fully paid up shares or stock. Coupons for payment of dividends may be annexed to it Delivery of the share-warrant operates as a transfer of the shares or stock. Sweet.

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