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title to an estate. An estate in severalty is one which is held by the tenant in his own right only, without any other being joined or connected with him in point of interest, during the continuance of his estate.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

A state of separation. An estate In severalty is one that is held, by a person in his own right only, without any bthet person being joined or connected with him, in point ot interest during his estate therein. 2 Bl. Comm. 179. The term “severalty” is especially applied in England, to the case of adjoining meadows undivided from each other, but belonging, either permanently or in what are called “shifting severalties,” to separate owners, and held in severalty until the crops have been carried, when the whole is throws open as pasture for the cattle of all the owners, and in some cases for the cattle of other persons as well; each owner is called a “severalty owner” and his rights of pasture are called “severalty rights,” as opposed to the rights of persons not owners. Cooke, lncl. Acts, 47, 163n.

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