(A) evidence. A book containing a record of facts as they occur, kept by public authority; a register of births, marriages and burials. 2. Although not originally intended for the purposes of evidence, public registers are in general admissible to prove the facts to which they relate. (B) common law. The certificate of registry granted to the person or persons entitled thereto, by the collector of the district, comprehending the port to which any ship or vessel shall belong; more properly, the registry itself. For the form, requisites of certificate of registry.
Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition
An officer authorized by law to keep a record, called a “registrar” or “registry” such as the register for the probate of wills. A book containing a record of facts as they occur, kept by public authority; a register of births, marriages, and burials. Register In bankruptcy. An officer of the courts of bankruptcy, under the earlier acts of congress in that behalf, having substantially the same powers and duties as the “referees in bankruptcy” under the act of 1898 (U. S. Comp. St 1901, p. 3418). See REFEREE. Register of deeds. The name given in some states to the officer whose duty is to record deeds, mortgages, and other instruments affecting realty in the official books provided and kept for that purpose; more commonly called “recorder of deeds.’-Register of land office. A federal officer appointed for each federal land district to take charge of the local records and attend to the preliminary matters connected with the sale, pre-emption, or other disposal of the public lands within the district. See Rev. St TJ. S.