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Latin: In whatever manner. Quum de lucro duorum quseratur, melior est causa possidentis. When the question is as to the gain of two persons, the title of the party in possession is the better one. Dig. 50, 17, 126, 2. Qnum in testamento ambigue ant etiam perperam scriptnm est, benign interpretari et secundum id quod credible et cogitatum, eredendnm est. When in a will an ambiguous or even an erroneous expression occurs, it should be construed liberally and in accordance with what is thought the probable meaning of the testator. Dig. 34, 5, 24; Broom, Max. 437. Qnnm principalis eansa non eonsistit ne ea quidem qnse sequuntnr locum habent. When the principal does not hold, the incidents thereof ought not to obtain. Broom, Max. 496. Qnnm qnod ago non valet nt ago, valeat quantum valere potest. 1 Vent. 216. When what I do is of no force as to the purpose for which I do it, let it be of force to as great a degree as it can.

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