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A money verdict the amount of which is fixed by the following process: Each juror writes down the sum he wishes to award by the verdict; these amounts are all added together, and the total is divided by twelve, (the number of the jurors,) and the quotient stands as the verdict of the jury by their agreement. Quotles dubia interpretatio Ubertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit. Whenever the interpretation of liberty is doubtful, the answer should be on the side of liberty. Dig. 50, 17, 20. Quotles idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum exeipiatur, qua) rei gerendse aptior est. Whenever the same language expresses two meanings, that should be adopted which is the better fitted for carrying out the subject matter. Dig. 50, 17, 67. Quotles in stipulationibus ambigua oratio est, eommodissimum est id aceipi quo res de qua agitur in tuto sit. Whenever the language of stipulations is ambiguous, it is most fitting that that [sense] should be taken by which the subject matter may be protected. Dig. 45, 1, 80. Quotles in verbis nnlla est ambignitas, ibi nulla expositio contra verba nenda est. Co. Litt 147. When in the words there is no ambiguity, then no exposition contrary to the words is to be made.

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