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A writ which lay for spiritual persons, distrained in their spiritual possessions, for payment of a fifteenth with the rest of the parish. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 175. Obsolete. Quod populus postromum jussit, id jus ratum esto. What the people have last enacted, let that be the established law. A law of the Twelve Table, the principle of which is still recognized. 1 Bl. Comm. 89. Quod primum est intentione ultimum est in oporatione. That which is flrst in intention is last In operation.’ Bac. Max. Quod prineipi plaouit legis habet vigorem. That which has pleased the prince has the force of law. The emperor’s pleasure has the force of law. Dig. 1, 4, 1; Inst 1, 2, 6w A celebrated maxim of imperial law. Quod prius est Tortus est; et quod prius est tempore potins est jure. Co. Litt. 347. What is flrst is true; and what is flrst in time is better in law. Quod pro minoro lieitum est et pro majoro lieitum est. 8 Coke, 43. That which is lawful as to the minor is lawful as to the major.

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