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Which was granted. A phrase in the reports, signifying that an argument or point made was conceded or acquiesced in by the court Quod in Jure sorlpto “jus” appellatur, id in lege Anglia “rectum” esse dieitur. What In the civil law is called “JIM,” in the law of England is said to he “rectum,” (right) Co. Litt. 260; Fleta, 1. 6, c. 1, f 1.Quod in minori valet valebit in major!; et quod in majori non valet noe valebit in minori. Co. Litt 260a. That which is valid in the less shall he valid in the greater; and that which is not valid in the greater shall neither be valid in the less. Quod in uno similium valet valebit in altero. That which is effectual in one of two like things shall be effectual in the other. Co. Litt 191a. Quod inoonsulto fecimus, consultius revooemus. Jenk. Cent 116. What we have done without due consideration, upon better consideration we may revoke. Quod initio vitiosum est non potest traetu temporls convalesoere. That which is void from the beginning cannot become valid by lapse of time. Dig. 50, 17, 29. Quod ipsis qui eontraxerunt obstat, et sneeossoribus eomm obstabit. That which bars those who have made a contract will bar their successors also. Dig. 50, 17, 143.

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