The name of an interlocutory judgment in an action of account render: also the name of a decree in the case of creditors’ bills against executors or administrators. Such a decree directs the master to take the accounts between the deceased and all his creditors; to cause the creditors, upon due and public notice to come before him to prove their debts, at a certain place, and within a limited period; and also directs the master to take an account of all personal estate of the deceased in the hands of the executor or administrator.
Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition
That he account Judgment quod computet is a preliminary or interlocutory judgment given in the action of account-render (also in the case of creditors’ bills against an executor or administrator,) directing that accounts be taken before a master or auditor. Quod constat clare non debet verineari. What is clearly apparent need not be proved. 10 Mod. 150. Quod constat curias opere testium non indiget. That which appears to the court needs not the aid of witnesses. 2 Inst 662. Quod contra legem fit pro infeeto habe-tur. That which is done against law is regarded as not done at all. 4 Coke, 31a. Quod contra rationem juris roceptum est, non est producendum ad consequential. That which has been received against the reason of the law is not to be drawn into a precedent Dig. 1, 3, 14.