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In medical jurisprudence. The first motion of the fetus in the womb felt by the mother, occurring usually about the middle of the term of pregnancy. Qaequid acquiritur servo acquiritur domino. Whatever is acquired by the servant is acquired for the master. Pull. Accts. 38, note. Whatever rights are acquired by an agent are acquired for his principal. Story, Ag. f 403. Quiequid demonstrate rei additur satis demonstrates frustra est. Whatever is added to demonstrate anything already sufficiently demonstrated is surplusage. Dig. 33, 4, 1, 8; Broom, Max. 630. Qaiequid est contra normam recti est injuria. 3 Bulst. 313. Whatever is against the. rule of right is a wrong. Qaiequid in encessu actum est, lege prohlbetur. 2 Inst. 107. Whatever is done in excess is prohibited by law. Quiequid Judicis auotoritati subjicitur novitati non subjicitur. Whatever is subject to the authority of a judge is not subject to innovation. 4 Inst 66. Quiequid plantatur solo, solo codit. Whatever is affixed to the soil belongs to the soil. Broom, Max. 401-431. Quiequid solvitur, alitur secundum modum solventis; quiequid recipitur, recipitur secundum modum rocipientis. Whatever money is paid, is paid according to the direction of the payer; whatever money is received, is received according to that of the recipient 2 Vera. 606; Broom, Max. 810. Quicunque habet Jurisdictionem ordinariam est illius loci ordinarius. Co. Litt 344. Whoever has an ordinary jurisdiction is ordinary of that place. Quicunque Jussu judicis aliquid focerit non videtur dolo malo fecisse, quia parere neoesse est. 10 Coke, 7L Whoever does anything by the command of a judge is not reckoned to have done it with an evil intent because it is necessary to obey. See quick with child.

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