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The common lewdness of a woman for gain. 2. In all well regulated communities this has been considered a heinous offence, for which the woman may be punished, and the keeper of a house of prostitution may be indicted for keeping a common nuisance. 3. So much does the law abhor this offence, that a landlord cannot recover for the use and occupation of a house let for the purpose of prostitution. 4. In a figurative sense, it signifies the bad use which a corrupt judge makes of the law, by making it subservient to his interest; as, the prostitution of the law, the prostitution of justice.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

Common lewdness; whoredom; the act or practice of a woman who permits any man who will pay her price to have sexual intercourse with her. See Com. v. Cook, 12 Mete. (Mass.) 97. protectio trahit suhjeotionem, et subjectio protectionem. Protection draws with It subjection, and subjection protection. 7 Coke, 5e. The protection of an individual by government is on condition of his submission to the laws, and such submission on the other hand entitles the individual to the protection of the government. Broom, Max. 78.

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