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For; on account of. The Initial word of several Latin phrases. Propter affectum. For or on account of some affection or prejudice. The name of a species of challenge, [q. v.)Propter defectum. On account of or for some defect. The name of a species of challenge, (q. .) Propter defectum sanguinis. On account of failure of blood. Propter delictum. For or on account of crime. The name of a species of chal~ lenge, {q. v.) Propter honoris respeotum. On account of respect of honor or rank. See CHALLENGE. Propter impotentiam. On account of helplessness. The term describes one of the grounds of a qualified property in wild animals, consisting in the fact of their inability to escape; as is the case with the young of such animals before they can fly or run. 2 Bl. Comm. 394. Propter privilegium. On account of privilege. The term describes one of the grounds of a qualified property in wild animals, consisting in the special privilege of hunting, taking and killing them, in a given park or preserve, to the exclusion of other persons. 2 Bl. Comm. 394.

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