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step-daughter. “(1) Privies of blood; such as the heir to his ancestor.” “(2) Privies in representation; as executors or administrators to their deceased testator or intestate.”(3) Privies in estate; as grantor and grantee, lessor and lessee, assignor and assignee, etc.” “(4) Privities, in respect of contract, are personal privities, and extend only to the persons of the lessor and lessee.” “(5) Privies in respect of estate and contract; as where the lessee assigns his interest but the contract between lessor and lessee continues, the lessor not having accepted of the assignee” “(6) Privies in law; as the lord by escheat, a tenant by the curtesy, or in dower, the incumbent of a benefice, a husband suing or defending in right of his wife, etc. Wharton.” Latin: In the civil law.

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