Latin: In the civil law. Power; authority; domination ; empire. lm perium, or the jurisdiction of magistrates. The power of the father over his children, patria potestas. The authority of masters over their slaves. See Inst 1, 9, 12; Dig. 2, 1, 13, 1; Id., 14, 1; Id. 14, 4, 1, 4. Potestas stricte interpretatnr. A power is strictly interpreted. Jenk. Cent p. 17, case 29, in marg. Potestas suprema seipsum dissolvere potest, ligare non potest. Supreme power can dissolve [unloose] but cannot bind itself. Branch, Princ.; Bacon. Potior est conditio defendentis. Better is the condition of the defendant, [than that of the plaintiff.]