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The details of a claim, or the separate items of an account When these are stated in an orderly form, for the information of a defendant, the statement is called a “bill of particulars,” (q. v.) Particulars of breaches and objections. In an action brought, in England, for the infringement of letters patent, the plaintiff is bound to deliver with his declaration (now with his statement of claim) particulars (t. e., details) of the breaches which he complains of. Sweet. Particulars of criminal charges. A prosecutor, when a charge is general, is frequently ordered to give the defendant a statement of the acts charged, which is called, in England, the “particulars” of the charges. Particulars of sale. When property such as land, houses, shares, reversions, etc., is to be sold by auction, it is usually described in a document called the “particulars,” copies of which are distributed among intending bidders. They should fairly and accurately describe the property. Dart, Vend. 113; 1 Dav. Con v. 511.

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