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1. The early release of a convicted criminal from prison prior to the end of the convict’s sentence upon certain conditions and that the person will not commit further crimes. 2. international law. The agreement of persons who have been taken by an enemy that they will not again take up arms against those who captured them, either for a limited time, or during the continuance of the war. 3. Immigration Law: a person may be required to leave the United States for a specified period of time before being permitted to return for entrance into the country.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

In military law. A promise given by a prisoner of war, when he has leave to depart from custody, that he will return at the time appointed, unless discharged. Webster. An engagement by a prisoner of war, npon being set at liberty, that he will not again take up arms against the government by whose forces he was captured, either for a limited period or while hostilities continue.

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