1. In legislative practice, a bill including in one act various separate and distinct matters, and particularly one joining a number of different subjects in one measure in such a way as to compel the executive authority to accept provisions which he does not approve or else defeat the whole enactment. See Com. v. Barnett, 199 Pa. 161, 48 Atl. 977, 55 L. R. A. 882; Yea ger v. Weaver, 64 Pa. 425. 2. In equity pleading, a bill embracing the whole of a complex subject matter by uniting all parties in interest having adverse or conflicting claims, thereby avoiding circuity or multiplicity of action. Omnis actio est loquela. Every action is a plaint or complaint Go. Litt 292a. Omnis conclnsio boni et veri jndicii seqnitnr ex bonis et veris prsemissis et dictis juratorum. Every conclusion of a good and true judgment follows from good and true premises, and the verdicts of jurors. Co. Litt. 2266. Omnis consensus tollit errorem. Every consent removes error. Consent always removes the effect of error. 2 Inst 123. Omnis definitio in jure civili pericu losa est, parnm est enim nt non subvert! possit. Dig. 50, 17, 202. All definition in the civil law is hazardous, for there is little that cannot be subverted. Omnis definitio in lege pericnlosa. All definition in law is hazardous. 2 Wood. Lect 196. Omnis eacceptio est ipsa qnoqne regula. Every exception is itself also a rule. Omnis indemnatns pro innoxis legibus habetur. Every uncondemned person is held by the law as innocent Lofft, 121. Omnis innovatio pins novitate pertur bat qnam nltilitate prodest. Every innovation occasions more harm by its novelty than benefit by its utility. 2 Bulst 338; Broom, Max. 147. Omnis interpretatio si fieri potest ita fienda est in instrnmentis, nt omnes con trarietates amoveantur. Jenk. Cent. 96. Every interpretation, if it can be done, is to be so made in instruments that all contradictions may be removed. Omnis interpretatio vel declarat, vel extendit, vel restringit. Every interpretation either declares, extends, or restrains. Omnis nova constitntio futuris for mam imponere debet, non prseteritis. Every new statute ought to prescribe a form to future, not to past, acts. Bract fol. 228; 2 Inst. 95. Omnis persona est homo, sed non vi cissim. Every person is a man, but not every man a person. Calvin. Every privation presupposes a former enjoyment. Co. Litt 339a. A “rule of philosophic” quoted by Lord Coke, and applied to the discontinuance of an estate. Omnis querela et omnis actio injnria rum limita est infra certa tempora. Co. Litt. 1146. Every plaint and every action for injuries is limited within certain times. Omnis ratihabitio retrotrahitur et mandato priori sequiparatur. Every ratification relates back and is equivalent to a prior authority. Broom, Max. 757, 871; Chit Cont 196. Omnis regula snas patitur exceptiones. Every rule is liable to its own exceptions.