In English law. A name given to the statute 3 Geo. III. c. 16, because that act, in contravention of the maxim “Nullum tempus occurrit regi,” (no lapse of time bars the king,) limited the crown’s right to sue, etc.» to the period of sixty years. Nullum tempus aut locus occurrit regi. No time or place affects the king. 2 Inst. 273; Jenk. Cent. 83; Broom, Max. 65. Nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae. the commonwealth or state. Levasser r. Washburn, 11 Grat. (Va.) 572. Nullus alius quant rex possit episcopo demandare inquisitionem faciendam. Co. Litt. 134. No other than the king can command the bishop to make an inquisition. Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria. No one can obtain an advantage by his own wrong. Co. Litt 148; Broom, Max. 279. Nullus debet agere de dolo, ubi alia actio subest. Where another form of action is given, no one ought to sue in the action de dolo. 7 Coke, 92. Nullus dicitur accessorius post felo niam, sed ille qui novit principalem feloniam fecisse, et ilium receptavit et comfortavit. 3 Inst. 138. No one is called an “accessary” after the fact but he who knew the principal to have committed a felony, and received and comforted him. Nullus dicitur felo principalis nisi actor, aut qui prsesens est, abettans aut auxilians ad feloniam faciendam. No party present aiding and abetting in its commission. Nnllns idoneus testis in re sua Intel ligitur. No person is understood to be a competent witness in his own cause. Dig. 22, 5, 10. Nnllns jns aliennm forisfacere potest. No man can forfeit another’s right Fleta, lib. 1, c. 28,