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Latin: No goods. The name of the return made by the sheriff to a writ of execution, when he has not found any goods of the defendant within his jurisdiction on which he could levy. Woodward v. Harbin, 1 Ala. 108; Reed v. Lowe, 163 Mo. 519, 63 S. W. 687, 85 Am. St Rep. 578; Lang ford v. Few, 146 Mo. 142, 47 S. W. 927, 69 Am. St. Rep. 606. Nulla curia quae recordum non habet potest imponere finem neque aliquem mandare carceri; quia ista spec tan t tan tummodo ad curias de recordo. 8 Coke, 60. No court which has not a record can impose a fine or commit any person to prison; because those powers belong only to courts of record. Nulla emptio sine pretio esse potest. There can be no sale without a price. Brown v. Bellows, 4 Pick. (Mass.) 189. Nulla impossibilia aut inhonesta sunt prsesumenda; vera autem et honesta et possibilia. No things that are impossible or dishonorable are to be presumed; but things that are true and honorable and possible. Co. Litt 78&. Nulla pactione efflci potest ut dolus prsestetur. By no agreement can it be effected that a fraud shall be practiced. Fraud will not be upheld, though it may seem to be authorized by express agreement 5 Maule & S. 466; Broom, Max. 696. Nulla virtus, nulla scientia, locum suum et dignitatem conservare potest sine modestia. Co. Litt 394. Without modesty, no virtue, no knowledge, can preserve its place and dignity. Nulle terre sans seigneur. No land without a lord. A maxim of feudal law. Guyot, Inst Feod. c. 28. Nulli enim res sua servit jure servi tutis. No one can have a servitude over his own property. Dig. 8, 2, 26; 2 Bouv. Inst no. 1600; Grant v. Chase; 17 Mass. 443, 9 Am. Dec. 161.

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