No; none. A law French negative particle, commencing many phrases. Nul agard. No award. The name of a plea in an action on an arbitration bond, by which the defendant traverses the making of any legal award.Nul disseisin. In pleading. No disseisin. A plea of the general issue in a real action, by which the defendant denies that there was any disseisin.Nul tiel corporation. No such corporation [exists.] The form of a plea denying the existence of an alleged corporation.Nul tiel record. No such record. A plea denying the existence of any such record as that alleged by the plaintiff. It is the general plea in an action of debt on a judgment. Hoffheimer v. Stiefel, 17 Misc. Rep. 236, 39 N. Y. Supp. 714.Nul tort. In pleading. A plea of the general issue to a real action, by which the defendant denies that he committed any wrong.Nul waste. No waste. The name of a plea in an action of waste, denying the committing of waste, and forming the general issue. Nul charter, nul vente, ne nul done vault perpetualment, si le donor n’est seise al temps de contracts de deux droits, sc. del droit de possession et del droit de propertie. Co. Litt 266. No grant, no sale, no gift, Is valid forever, unless the donor, at the time of the contract, Is seised of two rights, namely, the right of possession, and the right of property. Nul ne doit s’enrichir aux depens des autres. No one ought to enrich himself at the expense of others. Nul prendra advantage de son tort demesne. No one shall take advantage of his own wrong. 2 Inst 713; Broom, Max. 290. Nul sans damage avera error on attaint. Jenk. Cent. 323. No one shall have error or attaint unless he has sustained damage.