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Things indispensable, or things proper and useful, for the sustenance of human life. This is a relative term, and its meaning will contract or expand according to the situation and social condition of the person referred to. In reference to the contracts of infanta, this term is not used in its strictest sense, nor limited to. that which is required to sustain life. Those things which are proper and suitable to each individual, according to his circumstances and condition in life, are necessaries, if not supplied from some other source. In the case of ships the term “necessaries” means such things as are fit and proper for the service in which the ship is engaged, and such as the owner, being a prudent man, would have ordered if present; e. p., anchors, rigging, repairs, victuals. Maude A P. Shipp. 71, 113. The master may hypothecate the ship for necessaries supplied abroad so as to bind the owner. Nessarium est quod non potest aliter se habere. That la necessary which cannot be otherwise.

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