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(A) Contract: A change; as the modification of a contract. This may take place at the time of making the contract by a condition, which shall have that effect; for example, if I sell you one thousand bushels of corn, upon condition that any crop shall produce that much, and it produces only eight hundred bushels, the contract is modified, it is for eight hundred bushels, and no more. It may be modified by the consent of both parties, after it has been made. (B) A physical change made by a disabled tenant to living space in order to be able to dwell safely and with convenience. The tenant is usually responsible to pay the costs of the modification.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

A change; an alteration which introduces new elements into the details, or cancels some of them, but leaves the general purpose and effect of the subject matter intact. “Modification” is not exactly synonymous with “amendment,” for the former term denotes some minor change in the substance of the thing, without reference to its improvement or deterioration thereby, while the latter word imports an amelioration of the thing {as by changing the phraseology of an instrument, so as to make it more distinct or specific) without involving the idea of any change in substance or essence. In Sootch law. The term usually applied to the decree of the teind court, awarding a suitable stipend to the minister of a parish. Bell.

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