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(A) persons. The state or condition of a person who has arrived at full age. He is then said to be a major, in opposition to minor, which is his condition during infancy. (B) A plurality or more than half of something, such as votes in an election. The greater number of the voters; though in another sense, it means the greater number of votes given in which sense it is a mere plurality. 2. In every well regulated society, the majority has always claimed and exercised the right to govern the whole society, in the manner pointed out by the fundamental laws and the minority are bound, whether they have assented or not, for the obvious reason that opposite wills cannot prevail at the same time, in the same society, on the same subject. 3. In the absence of all stipulations, the general rule in partnerships is, that each partner has an equal voice, and a majority acting bona fide, have the right to manage the partnership concerns, and dispose of the partnership property, notwithstanding the dissent of the minority; but in every case when the minority have a right to give an opinion, they ought to be notified. (C)

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

Full age; the age at which, by law, a person is entitled to the management of his own affairs and to the enjoyment of civic rights. The opposite of minority. Also the status of a person who is a major in age. In the law of elections, majority signifies the greater number of votes. When there are only two candidates, he who receives the greater number of the votes cast is said to have a majority; when there are more than two competitors for the same office, the person who receives the greatest number of votes has a plurality, but he has not a majority unless he receives a greater number of votes than those cast for all his competitors combined. In military affairs, majority denotes the rank and commission of a major. Ma jus dignum trahit ad se minus dignum. The more worthy draws to itself the less worthy.

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