Lat. License; leave; permission. Licentia coneordandi In old practice and conveyancing. License or leave to agree; one of the proceedings on levying a fine of lands. 2 Bl. Comm. 350. Licentia loquendt In old practice. Leave to speak, i.e., with the plaintiff;) an imparlance; or rather leave to imparl. 3 Bl. Comm. 299. Licentia serengedi In old English practice. License to arise; permission given by the court to a tenant in a real action, who had cast an essoin de malo lecti, to arise out of his bed, which he could not do without such permission, and after being viewed by four knights appointed for the purpose. Bract fol. 355. Lioentia transfretandi. A writ or warrant directed to the keeper of the port of Dover, or other seaport commanding him to let such persons pass over sea as have obtained the royal license thereunto. Reg. Orig. 193.