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Lat. A writ of execution directing the sheriff to cause to be made of the lands and chattels of the judgment debtor the sum recovered by the judgment Pentland v. Kelly, 6 Watts & S. (Pa.) 484. Also a writ to the bishop of the diocese, commanding him to enter into the benefice of a judgment debtor, and take and sequester the same into his possession, and hold the same until he shall have levied the amount of the judgment out of the rents, tithes, and profits thereof. Levari facias damna de disseisitoribus. A writ formerly directed to the sheriff for the levying of damages, which a disseisor had been condemned to pay to the disseisee. Cowell Levari facias quando vicecomes returna vit qnod non habuit emptores. An old writ commanding the sheriff to sell the goods of a debtor which he had already taken, and had returned that he could not sell them; and as much more of the debtor’s goods as would satisfy the whole debt. Cowell Levari facias residuum debiti. An old writ directed to the sheriff for levying the remnant of a partly satisfied debt upon the lands and tenements or chattels of the debtor. Cowell.

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