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Hidden; concealed; that does not appear upon the face of a thing; as, a latent ambiguity. See AMBIGUITY. Latent deed. A deed kept for twenty years or more in a man’s scrutoire or strong-box. Wright v. Wright, 7 N. J. Law, 177, 11 Am. Dec. 546. Latent defect. A defect in an article sold, which is known to the seller, but not to the purchaser, and is not discoverable by mere observation. See Hoe v. Sanborn, 21 N. Y. 552, 78 Am. Dec. 163. So, a latent defect in the title of a vendor of land is one not discoverable by inspection made with ordinary care. Newell v. Turner, 9 Port (Ala.) 422. Latent equity. See EQUITY.

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