Shorthand for judge. Sometimes also an abbreviation for Journal. The Initial letter of the words “judge” and “justice,” for which it frequently stands as an abbreviation. Thus, “J. A.,” judge advocate; “J. J.,” junior judge; “L. J.,” law judge; “OP. J.,” president judge; “F. J.,” first judge; “A. J.,” associate judge; “G. J.,” chief justice or judge; “J. P.,” justice of the peace; “JJ.,” judges or justices; “J. O. P.,” justice of the common pleas; “J. K. B.,” justice of the king’s bench; “J. Q. B.,” ” justice of the queen’s bench; “J. U. B.,” justice of the upper bench. This letter is sometimes used for “I,” as the initial letter of “Institutiones,” in references to the Institutes of Justinian.