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To construe; to seek out. the meaning of language; to translate orally from one tongue to another. Interpretare et conoordare lege legem lira, est optimns interpretandi modus.
To interpret, and [in such a way as] to harmonize laws with laws, is the best mode of Interpretation. 8 Coke, 169a.
Interpretatio chartarum benigue facienda est, ut res magis Talent quam pareat. The interpretation of deeds is to be liberal, that the thing may rather have effect than fail. Broom, Max. 543.
Interpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat. Jenk. Cent 198. Such an Interpretation is to be adopted that the thing may rather stand than fall.
Interpretatio talis in ambignis semper flenda est ut evitetur inconveniens et absurdum. In cases of ambiguity, such an interpretation should always be made that what is inconvenient and absurd may be avoided. 4 Inst 328.

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